Webinar: Study in Denmark (Aarhus University)

Dear Sir/Madam,
The representatives of Aarhus University in Indonesia and on behalf of Ms Sarah Gram as International Communication and Student Recruitment Manager from Aarhus University is inform you about the Study in Denmark Webinar that will be held on Wednesday, May 24 th 2023 at 16.00 – 17.00 WIB.  
Aarhus University is a leading international research university covering all sciences, especially Science Technology Mathematics Programmes with a staff of 11.000 employees and 44.500 students, the majority are postgraduate students enrolled in Master’s and PhD programmes. Established in 1928 , Aarhus University is among the top 100 universities in the world. The aim of the university is to sustain and enhance a high standard in both research and education, which has placed it among the international elite.Currently Aarhus University is listed at Indonesia’s Government LPDP Scholarships.
The university webinar will be beneficial to students or staffs in order to have a Graduate Degree in the future. Learn more about Denmark and our 50+ degree Science Technology Mathematics programmes in English, sharing about study abroad experience in Aarhus University, and how to apply for admission and scholarship through the LPDP program to Aarhus University.Here is the attendance form for the event to be filled out (https://bit.ly/AUWebinar2023)
Please contact my colleague Mrs. Shelly at +62 895-6030-44611 our info center at info@eduplanindonesia.comfor more information about the event and we look forward to have a good cooperation with you.

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