ExplorENG Summer Programme 2022, Malaysia

Dear Students,

Warm greetings from Putra International Centre UPM. On behalf of the UPM Faculty of Engineering, we would like to invite you to participate in our ExplorENG Summer Program, which will be hosted on-site at our faculty from 21st August 2022 – 3rd September 2022.

ExplorENG Summer Programme aims to provide a platform to learn and practice Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and to broaden the truly Asian experience in Malaysia through cultural visits. Diverse activities, such as technical lectures (workshops and hands-on sessions), technical visits, and community participation, will be launched, guiding them to improve their international networking through intercultural exposure. Following this programme, learners are expected to receive academic, cultural, and environmental knowledge, as well as new abilities. Participants may also transfer credit for the ENG3101 – Engineering Seminar course from the Faculty of Engineering UPM. More information about the programme is provided below.

Program Name : ExplorENG Summer Program
Program Duration : 2 Weeks (21st Aug 2022 – 3rd Sept 2022)
Registration Dateline (Extended) : 31st July 2022 (Sunday)
Program Fee : *MYR 4,500 per person
Course Information : www.exploreng.upm.edu.my

*(Save up to MYR 200 for group booking of 3 or more participants)

It would be greatly appreciated if you could disseminate this information to students who might be interested in this program.  If you are not the person in charge, it would be greatly appreciated if you could forward this email to the entity in charge.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at internationaloffice@unej.ac.id.

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