Medical Care for Foreign Student

Foreign students who have a health problems during the study at the University of Jember can take advantage of the health services provided by the University through the UNEJ Medical Center (UMC). Student may follow this procedure to receive the health service by the UMC:

  1. Foreign students who have health problems should come to UNEJ Medical Center (UMC) for an initial examination. Please inform the International Office for guidance in any circumstance.
  2. If the initial examination shows that the student’s health condition can be treated as an outpatient process, then the student is allowed to undergo the healing process at his residence. However, if the results indicate that the student requires further treatment, UMC will issue a Referral Letter to a particular Hospital with the knowledge of the Student Affairs Section of the University of Jember in coordination with the International Office.
  3. The referral hospital then conducts initial laboratory examinations. If the test shows that the foreign student has a mild (harmless) disease, he or she will be hospitalized.
  4. However, if the disease has not been detected in the early stages of testing, further laboratory tests will be carried out,  And, if the test results show a mild illness, the student will be hospitalized in the hospital.
  5. However, if the results of the follow-up test show that a foreign student is infected with a dangerous disease/dangerous infectious disease, the foreign student will be sent back to their home country with the knowledge of the Student Affairs Section of the University of Jember which is coordinated with the International Office.
  6. Students who have undergone hospitalization and the latest examination shows that they have recovered are allowed to go home with the knowledge of the Student Affairs Section of the University of Jember which is coordinated with International Office.

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