StuNed Joint Scholarship Programme
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings
Thousands of teenagers across the US will have school lessons in mindfulness in an experiment designed to see
Once the Immigration Department sends the visa authorisation to the Indonesian Embassy or Consulate, you can then apply for your VITAS. There may not be an Indonesian Embassy or Consulate in your country, in which case, you have to find which one is responsible for your jurisdiction to get information on the detailed process of […]
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings
Dear Student, Are you interested in spending the 2022 fall semester in Europe, with the help of the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards program? Choose the University of Pécs in Hungary as your host institution! The University of Pécs (founded in 1367) is the oldest and one of the largest universities in Hungary. It is a prestigious, comprehensive university […]
Program ini terbuka bagi mahasiswa dengan kriteria sebagai berikut: Terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa S1 (minimal semester 5); Memiliki IPK minimal 3.00 pada skala 4.00; Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris (khusus untuk yang akan mengambil mata kuliah edX) dibuktikan dengan sertifikat Tes Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris; Lolos seleksi dari perguruan tinggi masing-masing. Dikarenakan proses pendaftaran dilakukan oleh universitas, maka pendaftaran untuk […]