PRA IISMA Selection

We are pleased to inform you that, after evaluating the registration documents for the 2024 Indonesian International Student Mobility Award (PRA IISMA) Recruitment and Application Program, 52 out of 95 students have been deemed eligible to receive assistance towards IISMA through PRA IISMA 2024 programs and activities facilitated by the Center for International Services and […]

UNEJ Scholarship Flyer
UNEJ Post Graduate Student Scholarship Program

Welcome to the University of Jember’s Partial Scholarship Program, a testament to our commitment to fostering global education and embracing diversity. At the heart of our mission is the belief that every deserving student, regardless of financial constraints, should have the opportunity to access world-class education. Our Partial Scholarship Program is designed to empower talented […]

IISMA 2024 is open now!

IISMA stands as a premier scholarship initiative supported by the government, overseen by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology within the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. In 2024, IISMA is calling for all eligible students to take a part in this program. UNEJ is also opening the PRA-IISMA (Program Recruitment […]

Buddy Flyer
International Office: Buddies Program 2023

Dear all students,  We are recruiting students to develop your potency and allow developing and jointly working with partners on international activities. International Buddies is a program for supporting international students at the University of Jember (UNEJ) and helping around during their studies at UNEJ. Through this program, local buddies can interact with international students […]

Hasil Seleksi
Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Interview Calon Peserta BPPPI-ICT 2023

Dear all interviewee…….. Kami informasikan bahwa hasil seleksi dan interview bagi mahasiswa untuk direkomendasikan sebagai calon peserta Program Bantuan Pemerintah Program Pembelajaran Internasional Tahun 2023. Adapun hasil ini diputuskan berdasarkan hasil komprehensif dan bersifat mutlak. Bagi mahasiswa yang belum lolos, diharapkan tetap dapat mengikuti proses seleksi program sejenis dengan mitra dari luar negeri  yang akan […]

Chulabhorn Graduate Institute Post-Graduate Scholarship for Academic Year 2024

Chulabhorn Royal Academy, Chulabhorn Graduate Institute Thailand telah menawarkan beasiswa 15 Beasiswa melalui “Chulabhorn Graduate Institute Post-Graduate Scholarship for Academic Year 2024” untuk mahasiswa asing. Beasiswa tersebut ditawarkan kepada para mahasiswa asing yang berninat untuk melanjutkan program pascasarjana (S2) dengan beberapa program di Chulabhorn Graduate Institute pada tahun akademi 2024 (Guideline Beasiswa). Field of Study […]

WhatsApp Image 2023-05-09 at 21.15.54
Webinar: Study in Denmark (Aarhus University)

Dear Sir/Madam, The representatives of Aarhus University in Indonesia and on behalf of Ms Sarah Gram as International Communication and Student Recruitment Manager from Aarhus University is inform you about the Study in Denmark Webinar that will be held on Wednesday, May 24 th 2023 at 16.00 – 17.00 WIB.   Aarhus University is a leading international research university covering all sciences, […]

New Southbound Policy Elite Study Program

Dear all students, The National Quemoy University are organizing the new program for prospective internationa student. It’s our honor to announce an exciting news about “New southbound Policy Elite Study Program” sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan, R.O.C. Participants who admitted to this program are entitled to enjoy the following benefits (scholarship): 1. […]

1 Semester Abroad
Seleksi Mahasiswa International Credit Transfer 2023

Diberitahukan kepada seluruh mahasiswa dari Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB), Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP), dan Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FTP) jenjang sarjana (S1) bahwa akan dilakukan seleksi internal universitas untuk mengikuti program kredit transfer guna diajukan untuk menerima hibah Bantuan Pemerintah Program Internasional Tahun 2023 oleh Direktorat Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, […]