Single Entry VISA for Social cultural Activities

A Single Entry 60-Days Visa for Social Cultural Activities is given to a citizen of a foreign country who would like to visit Indonesia for business purposes such as:

Family visit, volunteering in an organization, exchange visits between educational institutions, undertaking research, attending/participating in a conference/seminar, short course, short training, or an exhibition, giving a lecture/consultation and training) which do not involve any technical works, being hired or employed by a company/organization in Indonesia, or receiving any payment while in Indonesia.

This visa is valid (must be used) within 90 (ninety) days from the date of issuance, the 60-days stay permit starts from the date the traveler enters Indonesia.

This visa can be extended at the Immigration Offices in Indonesia for up to 4 (four) times, 30 days for each extension. A letter of sponsorship from an organization or an Indonesian resident is mandatory to extend a visa. The approval for visa extension is based on the Indonesian Immigration’s decision. 

Single-entry visitor can apply visas for 60 or 180 days through the Online Visa Approval application.

Required documents:

  1. Travel document
    – A passport valid for at least 12 months for a single-entry visitor visa application with a 180-day stay duration.
    – A passport valid for at least six months for a single-entry visitor visa application with a 60-day stay duration.
    – A valid travel document for at least 12 months for foreign nationals without nationality.
  2. Letter of sponsorship from the sponsor, except if you are a tourist visitor. Or proof of immigration guarantee funds for individuals intended to conduct pre-investment activities.
  3. Proof of funds of at least US$2000 (two thousand US dollars) or equivalent to support the cost of living of foreign nationals and/or their family in Indonesia.
  4. A return ticket or connecting ticket to continue their journey to another country, except for crews of means of transport who join the ship/vessel in Indonesia and continue their trip to another country.
  5. 2 (two) color passport photos of 4 cm x 6 cm.

Supporting Documents:

Foreign nationals who hold travel documents that are not National Passports or foreign nationals without citizenship, besides having to submit all required documents, must also indicate a re-entry permit of the country where the foreign nationals are currently domiciled.

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