Academic Calendar
The academic year at Universitas Jember is divided into an Odd/First Semester (from August until December) and Even/Second Semester (from February until June ). At some faculties, the study program an Transition Semester (from December to January next year). Each semester consists of around 16 meetings including midterm and final examination periods. The academic calendar always announced by the university before the aca-demic year’s activities starts by Rector Decree and accessible for all stu-dents. In some days, lectures will be replaced on another day if it coincides with a National holiday.
In Indonesia, at least 16 days belong to the National Holidays:
- New Year
- Chinese New Year
- Isra Mi’raj
- Saka New Year
- The Good Friday
- International Labour Day
- Eid Al-Fitr
- The Vesak Day
- Ascension Day
- Pancasila Day
- Eid Al-Adha
- Islam New Year
- Independence Day
- Mawlid
- Christmas Day

Academic Guidelines
Tuition Fee

University of Jember implements a single fee for each academic year. All international students are required to pay a tuition fee per semester via bank account transfer or on site payment at the bank. The amount of tuition fee The tuition fees are based on the study program and the degree. There are 3 differen kind of Tuition Fee for domestic student, foreign student, and for international Class
Academic Orientation

International Office will organize the special orientation program for all international students who come to study at Universitas Jember. The program serves as an introduc-tion for international students to academic and non-academic affairs at Universitas Jember. Orientation is usually conducted within the first week of students’ arrival in-cluding the course.

Graduation is a ceremony to inaugurate academic degrees and or professional designations to students who have completed academic and vocational education through an open meeting of the UNEJ Senate and marked by the submission of a diplo-ma. All international students must perform “Yudicium” before taking part in graduation. Graduation is carried out based on the fulfillment of the quota of 900 graduation participants. Graduation at the University of Jember is normally held 4 times a year.
Grading System Letter

Grading system in Universitas Jember for Study evaluation are based on written exami-nation, oral examination, seminar, paper assignment, quiz or combination from those methods. The grades are A to E with particular ranges of values and scale. The overall grades of the students will be accumulated as GPA (Grade Point Average) with maxi-mum scale of 4.
Credit System

Universitas Jember uses credits Semester as the standard measurement of the courses. The unit of student learning load is determined in the amount of semester credit units, abbreviated as credits. One credit is equivalent to 170 (one hundred and seventy) minutes of learning activities per week per semester and each course has a weight of at least 1 (one) credit. 1 (one) credit in the form of lectures, responses and tutorials, including: face-to-face learning activities 50 (fifty) minutes per week per semester; learning activities with structured assign-ments of 60 (sixty) minutes per week per semester; and self-study activities 60 (sixty) minutes per week per semester.