Study Program Vision: To become a Superior Study Program in the Development of Environmentally Oriented Economics and Agroindustry at the International level.
Curriculum of the Development Economics Study Program:
- DiES-Based Curriculum (Digital Ecology Agroindustry)The Development Economics Study Program has advantages in implementing a curriculum based on Digital Ecology Agroindustry (DiES). This model combines the scientific fields of Digital Economy, Plantation Economics, Natural Resources and Environmental Economics (ESDAL), and Regional Economics and Agribusiness (EWA).
- International Approach
- International Joint Seminar dan International Student Mobility Program.
- Joint teaching and visiting lectures with foreign universities such as the University of San Carlos (Philippines), Glasgow University (UK), Kyungpook National University (South Korea), University of Malaya (Malaysia), Australian National University, and others.
- International Virtual Course bersama Cal Poly State University, Macquarie University, dll.
- Cooperation with the ASEAN Foundation in ASEAN Data Science Explorer (ASEAN DSE) training.
Available Courses
Course Code
EKP 1529
Course Credit
3 credits (equal 4.53 ECTS)
- Dr. Herman Cahyo D, SE, MP, CPHCM
- Dr. Agus Lutfi, SE, MSi
Course Description
This course will provide knowledge about the main issues of resource economics and the environment. For this reason, concepts and technical tools in analyzing economics will be provided which will be used to examine natural resources and the environment. Considering this course as an introduction or basic understanding related to two fields of science, namely resource economics and environmental science, which are two sciences that are strictly separated in their understanding. Therefore, the format for the implementation of this course design is emphasized on a basic and general understanding. In addition, an understanding of the basic concepts of resource economics and the environment will also be given.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- describe the theoretical concepts of micro, macro, and development economics related to environmentally sound agro-industry
- identify problems related to regional human resources, and environmentally sound agribusiness
- solve problems using the concepts and principles of regional resources, and environmentally sound agribusiness
- explain the types of sources and uses of data related to regional human resources, and environmentally sound agribusiness
- show an honest, responsible, tough, and disciplined attitude as a ready reflection of piety to God Almighty
Introduction to Microeconomics
Participation Limit
40 Students
Course Materials
Students will have access to course materials, including a textbook, and suggested journal articles. Additionally, they will be encouraged to watch engaging YouTube videos related to the topics discussed in daily lectures.
Meeting | Topics |
1 | Economic Thoughts on Natural Resources & Environment and the concepts of natural resources |
2 | Environmental Economic Theory (Environmental economics: an overview) |
3 | Green Economics (Green Economy) |
4 | Natural resource management |
5 | Proprietary Rights |
6 | Externalities |
7 | Scarcity of natural resources |
8 | Mid-Semester Exam/UTS |
9 | Economic Valuation |
10 | Basic concepts of development planning |
11 | Water Resources and Forest Resources within the framework of economic development |
12 | Sustainable Development Framework/SD |
13 | Cleaner Production in economic development |
14 | Environmental Ethics |
15 | Economics of Environmental Pollution |
16 | Final Exam/UAS |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Mid-Semester exam (30%)
- Final exam (30%)
- Independent/ Group Tasks (20%)
- Structured Tasks (20%)
Course Code
EKP 1418
Course Credit
3 credits (equal 4.53 ECTS)
- Dr. Teguh Hadi Priyono, S.E., M.Si.
- Adhitya Wardhono SE, M.Si, M.Sc, Ph.D
Course Description
This course discusses econometric methodology and its application along with data processing and analysis techniques for various cases in economics. The focus of the discussion lies on the introduction and understanding of econometric models, especially linear models, both simple linear and multiple linear. The issue-areas of peace and security, economic and social development as well as democratization and human rights
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- understand, and explain the conception of regression
- understand, explain and apply simple regression models in economic research
- understand, explain and apply multiple regression models in economic research
Economic Statistics, Economic Math, and Introduction to Macro
Participation Limit
20 Students
Course Materials
Students will have access to course materials, including Basic Concepts of Simple Regression Analysis, Basic Concepts of Multiple Regression Analysis, Classical Assumptions, Dummy Variable Regressionng YouTube videos related to the topics discussed in daily lectures.
Meeting | Topic |
1 | Conception regression, determination, and correlation – Introduction |
2 | Conception regression, determination, and correlation – Basic Concepts Regression Analysis |
3 | Conception regression, determination, and correlation – Two-way regression analysis Variable; Idea Fundamental |
4 | Conception regression, determination, and correlation – Two regression analysis Variable; Problem Estimation |
5 | Conception regression, determination, and correlation – Linear Regression Model Classical Normal |
6 | Regression model in economic research – Two-Variable regression analysis; Estimation Interval and Hypothesis Testing |
7 | Regression model in economic research – Two regression analysis Variable; Lanjutan |
8 | Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) |
9 | Dummy regression model in research economics – Regression Analysis Multiple; Problems Estimation |
10 | Dummy regression model in research economics – Regression Analysis Multiple; Estimation Interval and Hypothesis Testing |
11 | Dummy regression model in research economics – Linearity and Normality |
12 | Dummy regression model in research economics – Multicollinearity |
13 | Dummy regression model in research economics – Heteroscedasticity |
14 | Dummy regression model in research economics – Autocorrelation |
15 | Dummy regression model in research economics – Dummy Regression Variable |
16 | Final Semester Exam (UAS) |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Resume simple regression concept (10%)
- Interpret the results of simple regression analysis (10%)
- Mid-semester Examination (25%)
- Resume of multiple regression concept (10%)
- Interpret the results of multiple regression concept (10%)
- Explain classical assumptions whit case examples (10%)
- Final semester exam (25%)
Course Code
EKP 1308
Course Credit
3 credits (equal 4.53 ECTS)
- Dr. Yulia Indrawati, S.E., M.Si
Course Description
Learn about the theory of consumption, investment theory, the balance of goods and money markets, aggregate demand and supply, the balance of three markets, government policies and conjunctures.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- analyze the theoretical concepts of micro, macro and eco-economics related to agro-industry development that are environmentally sound
- identify problems related to monetary economy, regional human resources, and environmentally sound agribusiness
- solve problems using concepts and principles of monetary economy, regional human resources, and environmentally sound agribusiness
- show honesty, responsibility, toughness, and discipline as a reflection of piety to God Almighty
- demonstrate awareness of the importance of the diversity of economic resources and the carrying capacity of the environment in Indonesia and the culture of the Indonesian people in the development of economics
Have general knowledge and lab work skills in microbiology.
Participation Limit
40 Students
Course Materials
Students will have access to course materials, including a textbook, and suggested journal articles. Additionally, they will be encouraged to watch engaging YouTube videos related to the topics discussed in daily lectures.
Meeting | Topic |
1 | Ability to explain Lecture Contracts, Syllabus, and Lecture Contracts |
2 | Ability to explain Macroeconomic Conceptand Macroeconomic Data Measurement |
3 | Ability to explain Macroeconomic Data Measurement |
4 | Ability to explain Macroeconomic Data Measurement |
5 | Closed and Open Economies: Classics – New Keynesian |
6 | Closed and Open Economies: Classics – New Keynesian |
7 | Ability to explain the Concepts of Closed and Open Economy Concepts: Classic – New Keynesian |
9 | Ability to explain Peconomy in the short term |
10 | Ability to explain The Economy in the Long Run |
11 | Ability to explain Students are able to explain about Business Cycle Theory: Traditional to Modern |
12 | Students are able to explain about Monetary and Fiscal Policy |
13 | Ability to explain concepts Inflation and Unemployment |
14 | Ability to explain concepts Financial System Poverty |
15 | Ability to explain concepts Economic growth, Ability to explain Economic growth |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Midterm exam (30%)
- Final exam (30%)
- Independent Group Tasks (20%)
- Structured Tasks (20%)
Course Code
EKP 1210
Course Credit
3 credits (equal 4.53 ECTS)
- M. Abd. Nasir, S.E., M.Sc.
Course Description
Microeconomics I is a course that places more emphasis on understanding and applying basic micro concepts. This study covers the principles of economics, demand, supply, market forms.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- explain the principles of economics, able to calculate and estimate economic activity (amount of output, costs, prices, income, profits)
- explain the symptoms of economic activity
- cooperate, respond, think creatively and logically, be responsible for explaining ideas about the phenomenon of microeconomics and its application in solving problems.
No prerequisites courses are needed
Participation Limit
40 Students
Course Materials
Students will have access to course materials, including a textbook, and suggested journal articles. Additionally, they will be encouraged to watch engaging YouTube videos related to the topics discussed in daily lectures.
Meeting | Topics |
1 | Lecture guidelines andthe importance of micro aspects in the economy |
2 | The scope of microeconomics, economic problems and economics methods |
3 | Affect demand, supply and market equilibrium conditions |
4 | Output and equilibrium price from supply and demand |
5 | Microeconomic Theory Concepts – Elasticity of demand and supply |
6 | market efficiency. Case Study : Electricity Tariff |
7 | Quiz |
8 | Midterm exam |
9 | International Organizations and World Politics – the concept of market welfare |
10 | Producer Surplus, Consumer Surplus and Optimal Resource Allocation |
11 | The Future of Globalization and Debates on a new Cold War – Production Functions and Marginal Products |
12 | Presenting Research Projects – Production Function |
13 | The market structure between perfect competition and monopoly and oligopoly |
14 | The market structure between perfect competition and monopoly and oligopoly |
15 | Output, prices, profits, costs and their derivatives in each market structure |
16 | Final exams |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Middle Test (25%)
- Assignments: Review of international journals, papers (10%)
- Quiz/discussion/presentation (15%)
- Final Test (25%)
- Honesty, activeness and discipline (15%)
Course Code
EKP 1538
Course Credit
3 credits (equal 4.53 ECTS)
- Dr. Endah Kurnia Lestari, SE, ME
- Dichi Febrian Putra S.E. M.Sc.
Course Description
This course explains the concepts and knowledge of what and how sustainable development is, historically, philosophically and conceptually Theoretical and its implementation on a regional, national and global scale and how to evaluate the achievements of development Sustainable
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- Explain about sustainable development; comprehensive scope, philosophy, of sustainable development.
- Adapt to the situation at hand in solving economic, social and environmental problems in a balanced way
No prerequisites courses are needed
Participation Limit
40 Students
Course Materials
Students will have access to course materials, including a textbook, and suggested journal articles
Meeting | Topic |
1 | Explaining the study contract |
2 | Understanding the definition, philosophy and theoretical framework of sustainable development |
3 | Pillars of sustainable development |
4 | Demographic change with sustainable development |
5 | The effect of Technological Changes on Sustainable Development |
6 | Environmental ethical issues in sustainable development |
7 | Forms of international cooperation in sustainable development |
8 | Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) |
9 | The role of international financial institutions in sustainable development |
10 | The conflicts that occur between the concept of sustainable development on a national and global scale |
11 | Natural Resource Accounting |
12 | ApplIcation and assessing achievements in sustainable development |
13 | The implementation of sustainable development in public policies on a national and regional scale (economic, social and environmental) |
14 | The challenges in implementing sustainable development |
15 | Recommendations on the implementation of sustainable development in Indonesia |
16 | Final Semester Exam (UAS) |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Middle Test (25%)
- Assignments: Review of international journals, papers (10%)
- Quiz/discussion/presentation (15%)
- Final Test (25%)
- Honesty, activeness and discipline (15%)