Dental Medical Programme is studi programme in faculty dentistry of Jember University-Indonesia. In 2021, the DMP was successfully accredited as Superior by the Independent Accreditation Institute for Higher Education Health (LAM PT-Kes) and in 2023, the UNEJ Faculty of Medicine was successful in obtaining the ASIIN International Accreditation designationThe vision of the Dental Medicine Program (DMP) is to become a superior, dignified, and internationally competitive educational institution in the science, technology and art development of dentistry particularly in the agromedicine field. The scientific definition of agromedicine is a field of medical science including dentistry, which studies health and behavioral problems related to all activities of the agro- industrial community and their environment. The uniqueness of this vision reflects a comparative and competitive superiority in mastering and developing science and technology for the agro- industrial community.
The uniqueness of this vision reflects a comparative and competitive superiority in mastering and developing science and technology for the agro- industrial community. The reinforcement of the superiority is in accordance with the Jember University’s vision and mission which is highly adjusted to the biggest potential of Jember Regency, the agriculture. This background becomes the soul for formulating the vision, mission, goals, and strategic objectives of DMP. In their practice, DMP will create dentistry graduates who have adequate attitudes, skills, and knowledge to continue their studies to the professional education level to be dentists.
Based on the vision, we offer the course : Healthy Paradigm. This course discusses the basic concepts of a healthy paradigm through promotive and preventive efforts to achieve healthy behaviour in society, especially agro-industrial communities and techniques for the care and prevention of dental and oral diseases.
Available Courses
Course Code
KGU 6161
Course Credit
4 credits (equal 6.04 ECTS)
- drg. Elyda Akhya Afida Misrohmasari, MIPH
- Dr.drg. Ari Tri Wanodyo Handayani M.Kes
- drg. Hestieyonini Hadnyanawati M.Kes
- drg. Kiswaluyo M.Kes
- drg. Roedy Budirahardjo M.Kes.Sp.KGA.
- Prof.Dr.drg. Ristya Widi Endah Yani M.Kes
- drg. Surartono Dwiatmoko M.M.
- drg. Depi Praharani M.Kes
- drg. Sulistiyani M.Kes
Course Description
The course discusses the basic concepts of a healthy paradigm through promotive and preventive efforts to achieve healthy behaviour in society, health communication and promotion in agro-industrial community and techniques for the care and prevention of dental and oral diseases
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- analyze the theoretical concepts of health and its relationship with quality of life
- manage the community behaviour that is oriented towards a healthy lifestyle using a creative and innovative approach by utilising science and technology and local wisdom
- examine the theoretical concepts of health communication in agro-industrial community
- analyze the theoretical concepts of disease prevention techniques for hard and oral tissues.
- review the promotive and preventive strategies in community-based oral health especially in agro-industrial community
no specific requirements
Participation Limit
10 Students
Course Materials
The students will have access to course materials, including a textbook, journals, reports, and the others materials related to the topics discussed in daily lectures
Meeting | Topics |
1 | Overview and Basic concepts of community oral health science and Agro-industrial community |
2 | Behaviour of Agro-industrial community |
3 | Health promotion and strategies in community; Media and Methods of Health promotion community |
4 | Basic concepts of mass prevention and Level of Prevention |
5 | Paradigm Shift, Quality of Life and Motivation for Healthy Behaviour |
6 | Mass Communication and Interprofessional communication |
7 | Evaluation of preventive and promotive programmes and behaviour changes |
8 | Educational trip to Agro-industrial community |
9 | Middle Exam |
10 | Oral & dental disease treatment and prevention techniques and Preventive adhesive restoration |
11 | Space maintainer and Oral prophylaxis |
12 | Fissure sealant and Risk factors: karyogram |
13 | Bad habits and DHE in dental practices |
14 | Project Presentation |
15 | Educational Trip to Agro-Industrial community |
16 | Final examination |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Class attendance and in-class participation (10%)
- Research project presentations (30%)
- Midle exam (30%)
- Final exam (30%)