Bachelor in Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember was established in 2000 has been received international accreditation from ASIIN in 2022-2028. The visions of Bachelor in Biology is Excellence in bioscience for the management of tropical biological resources with environmentally sound and globally competitive. The study program aims to produce graduates who: (1) are excellent and have good ethics in implementation the bioscience for bio-entrepreneurs and problem solving related to the management of tropical biological resources with better environmental awareness, (2) are responsive and adaptive to the development of science and technology, (3) are professional, independent, collaborative, communicative and responsible work culture as well as being able to demonstrate good leadership in the work environment and society, and (4) are able to continue their study in the fields of biology and other related fields. This study program equips students with competent knowledge about tropical biological resources and skills in managing them which are provided during learning through learning activities, research and community service. Biology graduate can work as research assistants in the field of biology and the environment, quality control staff and bio-entrepreneurs.
Available Courses
Course Code
MAB 1619
- Rendy Setiawan, S.Si, M.Si
- Arif Mohammad Siddiq S.Si., M.Si.
- Dra. Hari Sulistiyowati, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Course Description
This course Describe and analysis scope of Bio-invasion Ecology: Terminology and Development of Bio Invasive, Invasion pathway of invasive species, Impact of bioinvasion (abundance of invasive species, biodiversity of endemic species, biogeochemical cycles), Distribution, geographic and evolution of invasive species, and invasive species management. It implements scientific methods (Case Based Method) for ecology invasive species management by analyzing: the problem in tropics related to the characteristics and value of invasive species, the historical invasive species colonization, impact of invasive species colonization (adaptation, abundance, dan distribution); the course also covers problems solving in bio invasive management in tropics through presentation and paper draft.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- Analysing biological principles that are relevant to the problem of Bio-invasion Ecology in tropics
- Implement scientific methods for ecology invasive species management in tropics
- Integrate bioscience in problems solving related to the management of bio invasive ecology
Students who enroll will be expected to gain knowledge of animal physiology. Fieldwork experience in ecology study is highly recommended.
Participation Limit
20 Students
Course Materials
Students will have access to course materials, including a textbook and suggested journal articles. Additionally, they will be encouraged to watch engaging YouTube videos related to the topics discussed in daily lectures.
Meeting | Topics |
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16 |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Essay test (30%)
- Paper review (10%)
- Case Study (60%)
Course Code
MAB 1516
Course Credit
3 credits (equal 4.53 ECTS)
- Dr. Asmoro Lelono, M.Si.
- Husnatun Nihayah, S.Si., M.Biomed.
- Eva Tyas Utami, S.Si, M.Si.
Course Description
This course describes concepts of behaviour, the mechanisms that underlie the emergence of behaviour, physiological-ecological relationships and behaviour, individual behaviour: innate and learned behaviour, migration and navigation, behaviour in groups: competition for resources, mating and child care systems, and the role of understanding animal behaviour for human interests. There is also implementation scientific methods for animal behaviour through a Project-based Method by problems solving related to certain major issues in animal behaviour (reproductive, parenting, social behaviour). The project result then will be shown by the project report and presentation.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- Describe the principles of Animal Behaviour
- Present the results of problems solving related to certain major issues in animal behaviour
Students who enroll will be expected to gain knowledge of animal physiology. Fieldwork experience in ecology study is highly recommended.
Participation Limit
20 Students
Course Materials
Students will have access to course materials, including a textbook, and suggested journal articles. Additionally, they will be encouraged to watch engaging YouTube videos related to the topics discussed in daily lectures.
Meeting | Topics |
1 | Student work plan, contract, syllabi |
2 | Genes and animal behavior |
3 | Neuromuscular system in animal behavior |
4 | Endocrine system in animal behavior (endocrinology behavior) |
5 | Animal communication using signals, which can include visual; auditory, or sound-based; chemical, involving pheromones; or tactile, touchbased, cues |
6 | Biological rhytms (concept, types, and function) in animal behavior |
7 | Innate and learned behavior (concept, difference, importance for animal survival) |
8 | Adaptive behavior as behavioral strategies and ability to adapt will determine how they respond under different environmental conditions |
9 | Migration, navigation, and orientation animal for survival (concept, type, examples, mechanism, benefit and obstacles) |
10 | Foraging behavior in animal (concept, function, mechanism, examples) including habitat selection and preference |
11 | Reproductive behavior in animal (concept, function, type, mating choice, display, courtship) |
12 | Parenting behavior in animal (concept, type, function, examples) |
13 | Social behavior in animal (dominance, aggression, competition, playing and gaming) |
14 | Cooperative behavior in animal (group hunting, safekeeping, and territory protection |
15 | Altruism behavior (concept, function, benefit, examples) |
16 | Final exam |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Essay test (40%)
- Project report (60%)
- Activity observation (10%)
- Project report (20%)
- Presentation (30%)
Course Code
MAB 1517
Course Credit
2 credits (equal 3.02 ECTS)
- Rendy Setiawan, S.Si, M.Si
- Arif Mohammad Siddiq S.Si., M.Si.
- Dra. Hari Sulistiyowati, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Course Description
This course analyse concepts of Ecotourism: Definition, Types and Policy Potential Tourism Destination in tropics, Project Based Method (scientific methods) for ecotourism development (4A-Attraction,Accessibility, Amenity, Ancillary) by conducting a comprehensive analysis of areas to be developed into ecotourism destinations. The integration of the four components (4A) needs to be planned and analysed by considering all aspects of funding, human resources, infrastructure, organization, and policies, including involvement at the community level, village government, sub-district, district, and province as scientific article; the final project is communicated through presentation in class covering Promotion (7 P- Product, Positioning, Price, Promotion, Place, Packaging, Partnership).
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- Analyse biology principles that are relevant to the ecotourism issues in tropics
- demonstrate scientific methods for improvement of potential specific area of tropics as ecotourism destination
Have general knowledge and lab work skills in microbiology.
Participation Limit
20 Students
Course Materials
Students will have access to course materials, including a textbook, and suggested journal articles. Additionally, they will be encouraged to watch engaging YouTube videos related to the topics discussed in daily lectures.
Meeting | Topics |
1 | Basic concepts of Ecotourism |
2 | Ecotourism Participant |
3 | Basic concepts of Ecotourism and Protected Areas |
4 | Ecotourism and Local Communities |
5 | Ecotourism and NGOs |
6 | Ecotourism and the Tourism Industry |
7 | Ecotourism Plan and Management |
8 | Ecotourism Plan and Management |
9 | Ecotourism Policy |
10 | Ecotourism Potential Object |
11 | Ecotourism development |
12 | Ecotourism development |
13 | Promotion |
14 | Promotion |
15 | Promotion |
16 | Promotion |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Essay test (20%)
- Report Progress of Project (30%)
- Final Project Report (20%),
- Project Report Presentation (30%)
Course Code
MAB 1614
Course Credit
3 credits (equal 4.53 ECTS)
- Purwatiningsih,Ph.D.
- Husnatun Nihayah, S.Si, M.Biol.
Course Description
This course discusses insect biology concepts, evolution and co-evolution, insect morphology, digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system, muscle system, excretion system, nervous system, endocrine system, reproductive system, development and metamorphosis, behavior and ecology, social insects, beneficial insects, pest insects, and integrated pest management. This class also.conduct a research field project to be presented in the highly interactive class.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- Describe biological principles relevant to insect organisms.
- Analyze biological principles to solve insect-related problems and their management.
- Demonstrate scientific methods for the development of insects as tropical natural resources.
- Conduct entomological practices in the laboratory and/or fieldwork independently and in groups
Students who enroll will be expected to gain knowledge of animal systematic.
Participation Limit
20 Students
Course Materials
Students will have access to course materials, including a textbook and suggested journal articles. Additionally, they will be encouraged to watch engaging YouTube videos related to the topics discussed in daily lectures.
Meeting | Topics |
1 | The role of insects in human life (beneficial and harmful) |
2 | External anatomy: general insect anatomy, antennae types, mouthparts, and legs. |
3 | Integument and metamorphosis: molting processes, instars, and metamorphosis types. |
4 | Structure and function of circulatory, digestive, and tracheal systems |
5 | Structure and function of excretory, reproductive, nervous, and endocrine systems. |
6 | Insect classification I: Apterygota (Protura, Diplura, Thysanura, Collembola). |
7 | Insect classification II: Pterygota (Orthoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Odonata, and others). |
8 | Mid Term |
9 | Identification, analysis, and case study problem-solving. |
10 | Insect trapping and preservation techniques: various trapping methods, dry and wet preservation. |
11 | Insect ecology: individual ecology, population dynamics, competition, predation, symbiosis. |
12 | Integrated pest management: pest and natural enemies, host plants, economic thresholds, resistant varieties, synthetic and botanical insecticides. |
13 | Case studies on harmful and beneficial insects. |
14 | Case studies on insect rearing using natural and artificial feed. |
15 | Case studies on technological applications for insects |
16 | Perform field project |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Assignment and group presentation (10%)
- Practice of observation method (PBL)(20%)
- Research field project (20%)
- Presented field project (10%)
- Mid and Final test (40%)
Course Code
MAB 1623
Course Credit
3 credits (equal 4.53 ECTS)
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Kartika Senjarini, S.Si., M.Si.
- Dr. Rike Oktarianti, M.Si.
- Syubbanul Wathon, S.Si., M.Si.
Course Description
This course describe and analysis the terminology, scope and development of health biotechnology, Molecular biology base in health biotechnology, molecular epidemiology & diagnostics, gene therapy, stem cell technology,recombinant DNA technology, biosimilar, biomarker, vaccine development, immunotherapy, ethics and regulation of animal models in health biotechnology research. There are also practicing laboratory of DNA plasmid isolation, DNA restriction, DNA ligase, DNA electrophoresis, cell competence & DNA transformation,recombinant protein extraction, SDS-PAGE, Western blotting, and DNA fingerprint
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- Analyse biological principles that are relevant to health biotechnology
- Practice laboratory works related to health biotechnology
The course is open to undergraduate students in natural sciences and environmental sciences
Participation Limit
20 Students
Course Materials
Students will have access to course materials, including a textbook, and suggested journal articles
Meeting | Topics |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 | |
11 | |
12 | |
13 | |
14 | |
15 | |
16 |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Essay test (35%)
- Presentation (20%)
- Quiz and assignment (15%)
- Laboratory practice (30%)
Course Code
MAB 1624
Course Credit
3 credits (equal 4.53 ECTS)
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Kartika Senjarini, S.Si., M.Si.
- Syubbanul Wathon, S.Si., M.Si.
Course Description
The course discusses the basic concepts and scope of molecular genetics, genetic material and genomic structure, chromosomal structure, DNA replication, transcription and post transcription, translation and post translation, materials cytoplasmic genetics, gene mutation, gene recombination, regulation of protein synthesis, regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes, regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- Describe the principles of molecular genetics concepts
- Integrate bioscience in problems solving related to molecular genetic in tropics
No prerequisites courses are needed
Participation Limit
20 Students
Course Materials
Students will have access to course materials, including a textbook, and suggested journal articles. Additionally, they will be encouraged to watch engaging YouTube videos related to the topics discussed in daily lectures.
Meeting | Topics |
1 | RPS, study contract and syllabus |
2 | The concept of molecular genetics, scope, applications & benefits |
3 | Nucleic acid topology (molecular character DNA & RNA) |
4 | DNA as the genetic material that forms the genome organization of prokaryotes |
5 | DNA as the genetic material that forms the genome organization of eukaryotes |
6 | Organization of the virus genome (DNA) |
7 | Organization of the virus genome (RNA) |
8 | Molecular regulation of viral genomes |
9 | Regulation of inheritance of genetic material in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms |
10 | Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation |
11 | Translational and posttranslational regulation |
12 | Extrachromosomal DNA organization as genetic material |
13 | Regulation of extrachromosomal DNA as genetic material |
14 | Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotic organisms |
15 | Regulation of gene expression in eukaryotic organisms |
16 | Concepts and applications of molecular genetics as a basis for the development of modern cross-cell biotechnology (CRISPR Cas system) |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Essay test (30%)
- Quiz (20%)
- Case methods (30%)
- Presentation (20%)
Course Code
MAB 1523
Course Credit
3 credits (equal 4.53 ECTS)
- Kamalia Fikri, S.Pd.,M.Pd, M.C.E., CIQnR
- Muhamad Khoirul Anwar, M.Pd
Course Description
This course Describe and analysis scope of Natural medicine: definition and terminology, medicinal plant (in Indonesia) as source for natural medicine, classification of natural medicine as standardized by government regulation (BPOM), and the update amount of product for each level.It integrating bioscience for proposing/ or giving the recommendation as a solution (Case-based Method)of the problems found in the society regarding to the ingredients used and processing applied for natural medicine production. The course also provides spesific skill for each student to practice the basic steps for producing natural medicine in the form of simplisia (or jamu) through Project-based activity starting from selecting the ingredients until product packaging, as well as the prototype name, excellency and recommended pricing, then presenting the results in front of class or as poster or paper/ manuscript.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- Analyse biological principles that are relevant to the issues of natural resources used for natural medicine and their efficacy
- Integrate bioscience in problems solving related to the ingredients and processing used for natural medicine products (in team work)
No prerequisites courses are needed
Participation Limit
20 Students
Course Materials
Students will have access to course materials, including a textbook, suggested journal articles, and news. Additionally, they will be encouraged to watch engaging YouTube videos or local wisdom based phenomenon related to the topics discussed in daily lectures.
Meeting | Topics |
1 | Lecture contract |
2 | Introduction to natural medicine |
3 | Indonesian medicinal plants |
4 | Classification of natural medicine in Indonesia |
5 | The development of natural medicine |
6 | Natural medicine products in Indonesia |
7 | Poster and display of natural medicine products |
8 | Poster and display of natural medicine products |
9 | Case study related to traditional medicine (jamu) |
10 | Case study related to traditional medicine (jamu) |
11 | Case study related to herbal medicine (OHT) |
12 | Case study related to herbal medicine (OHT) |
13 | Case study related to modern herbal medicine (phytopharmaca) |
14 | Case study related to modern herbal medicine (phytopharmaca) |
15 | Final report for each project (team) |
16 | Final report for each project (team) |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Essay test (25%)
- Case-based report (25%)
- Report Progress of Project (35%)
- Presentation (15%)
Course Code
MAB 1613
Course Credit
3 credits (equal 4.53 ECTS)
- Mukhamad Su’udi, Ph.D.
- Edia Fitri Dwinianti, M.Si.
Course Description
This course Describe and analysis scope of Orchidology: morphology, systematics, the use of orchids as ornament and others (food, medicine, aphrodisiac, cosmetics), propagation/ cultivation, and product management for agribusiness commodity. It integrating bioscience for proposing/ or giving the recommendation as a solution (Case-based Method)of the problems found in orchid cultivation area in order to meet predetermined standards for orchid management and conservation issues. The course also provides spesific skill for each student to learn orchid propagation/ cultivation through Project-based activity starting from selecting the parental line, crossing, until the emergence of fruit obtained from crossing, then presenting the results in front of class or as a paper/ manuscript.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- Analyse biological principles that are relevant to the problem of orchid propagation, conservation and management in tropics
- Integrate bioscience in problems solving related to the orchid propagation,conservation and management (in team work)
No prerequisites courses are needed
Participation Limit
20 Students
Course Materials
Students will have access to course materials, including a textbook, suggested journal articles, and think tank reports. Additionally, they will be encouraged to watch engaging YouTube videos related to the topics discussed in daily lectures.
Meeting | Topics |
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3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
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8 | |
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11 | |
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13 | |
14 | |
15 | |
16 |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Essay test (25%)
- Case-based report (25%)
- Report Progress of Project (35%)
- Presentation (15%)
Course Code
MAB 1612
Course Credit
3 credits (equal 4.53 ECTS)
- Dra. Dwi Setyati,M.Si
- Dr.rer.nat. Fuad Bahrul Ulum, M.Sc
- Edia Fitri Dwinianti, M.Si.
Course Description
This course describe concepts of Plant Ecophysiology : Describe the principle concept of plant ecophysiology, Response of plants to the physical environment (light, water and temperature), Plant response to chemical environment (salinity, minerals and nutrients), Plant response to biological environment (herbivory, carnivory, pollinator, disseminator, parasite, symbiotic N fixation, allelopathy), Carbon utilization and biomass production (C3, C4 and CAM plants), Stress, hormone on plant growth and development, and Plant Strategy-CSR; There is also implementation Project Based Method through laboratory/by Identifying problem of plant ecophysiology in the tropics (topic of project), proposing the objectives of project topic, implementation suitable method, data analysis (Using Excel, SPSS, T-Test, Duncan, or ANOVA applications for data analysis in Plant Ecophysiology Project), results discussion, writing project report as an scientific article draft and presentation in class. This project is done through laboratory or field work on the effect of soil field capacity, light intensity, water availability, salinity, and nutrition availability on plant growth, and analysis of plant strategy on environmental conditions through field work.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- Describe the principles of plant ecophysiology
- Implement scientific methods for Plant Ecophysiology in tropics
- Practice laboratory and field works related to plant ecophysiology
- Use software applications ( Excel, SPSS, T-Test, Duncan, or ANOVA) and/or basic instruments for sampling and analysis in Plant Ecophysiology
- Present the results of Plant Ecophysiology individual project
No prerequisites courses are needed
Participation Limit
20 Students
Course Materials
Students will have access to course materials, including a textbook, suggested journal articles, and think tank reports. Additionally, they will be encouraged to watch engaging YouTube videos related to the topics discussed in daily lectures.
Meeting | Topics |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 | |
11 | |
12 | |
13 | |
14 | |
15 | |
16 |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Essay test (25%)
- Laboratory work (20%)
- Software application (10%)
- project report and draft article (30%):
- progress report (10%)
- final report (10%)
- draft article (10%)
- Topic Presentation (15%)
Course Code
MAB 1612
Course Credit
2 credits (equal 3.02 ECTS)
- Rendy Setiawan, S.Si, M.Si
- Arif Mohammad Siddiq S.Si., M.Si.
- Dra. Hari Sulistiyowati, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Course Description
This course Describe and analysis: Health Ecosystem, Structure or Goods Functions or Services, Biological resources (Plant,wildlife, and aquatic fauna) Valuation Application, Forest Ecosystem ValuationEcosystem Degradation. Project Based Method on biological resources threats in tropics through practical and field works. It assigned in individual or teamwork covering 1) determination of title of independent research – biological resources Valuation (Determination of Tangible and intangible value Plants, wildlife or aquatic fauna in tropic), 2) Preparation of independent research background, 3) The method of collecting data on the structure and function (tangible and intangible values), 4) Analysis of Plants, wildlife or aquatic fauna structure data in tropic, 5) Analysis of Plants, wildlife or aquatic fauna function data in tropic, 6) Data analysis (Using Microsoft Excel and Primer Software) of Total Ecological Value of Plants, wildlife or aquatic fauna in tropic, 7) Results and Discussion of Project . The Project is reported as a scientific article draft and presented in class.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- Analyse biology principles that are relevant to the natural resources valuation in tropics
- Practice laboratory and field works related to natural resources valuation in tropics
- Use software applications and/or basic instruments for sampling and analysis natural resources values
- Present the results of problems solving related to the valuation of natural resources in tropics
No prerequisites courses are needed
Participation Limit
20 Students
Course Materials
Students will have access to course materials, including a textbook, suggested journal articles, and think tank reports. Additionally, they will be encouraged to watch engaging YouTube videos related to the topics discussed in daily lectures.
Meeting | Topics |
1 | |
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3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 | |
11 | |
12 | |
13 | |
14 | |
15 | |
16 |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Essay test (20%)
- Equipment/software observation (laboratory work) (10%)
- Activity observation (field work) (20%)
- Progress Report (Project) (15%)
- Scientific article (Project) (25%)
- Report presentation (10%)
Course Code
MAB 1627
Course Credit
2 credits (equal 3.02 ECTS)
- Arif Mohammad Siddiq S.Si., M.Si.
Course Description
This course describe and analyze the concept of wildlife management: wildlife ecology, habitat management, and population management. This course also implementation scientific methods for Wildlife Management through Case-Based Method by identifying degradation habitat or decreasing population of wildlife, Proposing the objective, selecting the suitable method for wildlife Population or habitat management, Analyse and discussing results, then finally writing a project report as a scientific review article draft and presentation in class.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- Analyse biological principles that are relevant to manage the wildlife in tropics area
- Implement scientific methods for the wildlife management in tropics
- Use software applications and/or basic instruments for sampling and analysis in biology and environmental fields
- Present the results of prototype design related to the wildlife management
No prerequisites courses are needed
Participation Limit
20 Students
Course Materials
Students will have access to course materials, including a textbook, suggested journal articles, and think tank reports. Additionally, they will be encouraged to watch engaging YouTube videos related to the topics discussed in daily lectures.
Meeting | Topics |
1 | Introduction to Wild Animals – Concept Overview |
2 | Distribution and Habitat Types of Wild Animals in Tropical Regions |
3 | Ecological Niches and Population Parameters of Wild Animals |
4 | Conservation Issues and Action Plans for Wild Animals in the Tropics |
5 | Role of Local Wisdom in Wild Animal Conservation |
6 | Wild Animal Domestication in Accordance with Government Regulations |
7 | Implementing Scientific Methods through Project-Based Learning |
8 | Introduction to the Project: Background and Purpose |
9 | Methods: Install ArcGIS and Maxent Software; Secondary Data Collection via Web Query (Wild Animal Coordinates and Environmental Parameters) |
10 | Methods: Data Analysis – Step 1 |
11 | Methods: Data Analysis – Step 2 |
12 | Progress Update on Results |
13 | Results and Discussion |
14 | Article Draft Progress |
15 | Practical Fieldwork: Wild Animal Conservation in Alas Purwo National Park |
16 | Reporting on Fieldwork |
Assessment and Evaluation
Upon successfully completing the course, students should complete :
- Essay test (35%)
- Progress report (Case) (15%)
- Report presentation (Case) (25%)
- Draft article (25%)