The University of Jember accepts the prospective international student to study an undergraduate and graduate program in the university through the international student admission procedures. All prospective international students will take and join the Indonesian Language training for at least 4 months at UNEJ Language Center. The list of programs offers by the university is according to the Rector’ Regulation No. 17, 2021 about The Implementation of Education in the University of Jember.
Admission Process
FOR ODD SEMESTER (Start in August)
- Application period until March 31st
- Selection period in April
- Interview (optional)in May
- Final Admission Decision in June
- Acceptance Letter in June
- Pre-Departure period (Visa and study permit) from June to July
- Arrival round July-August
- Registration and Campus Orientation from July to August
- Semester begins in August
FOR EVEN SEMESTER (Start in February)
- Application period until September 30st
- Selection period until October 31st
- Interview (optional) in November
- Final Admission Decision in December
- Acceptance Letter in December
- Pre-Departure period (Visa and study permit) from Desember to January (next year)
- Arrival around January – February (next year)
- Registration and Campus Orientation from January – February (next year)
- Semester begins in February (next year)